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Common Questions

What is a Professional Coach?

A Professional Coach is a trusted mentor who can help you identify and uncover blindspots that keep you from reaching your full potential. Coaching offers a confidential relationship that provides support and a non-judgmental space to help you create what you want for yourself. A Coach can help you strategize and acquire the tools you need to achieve your goals. Coaching consists of designing action steps to help you break negative habits and develop winning behaviors and attitudes that will help you move towards your desired future.

What types of people hire Coaches? 

People from all walks of life work with professional Coaches to help attain their goals. Coaches work with people on relationships, career, finance, health and more. Coaching is especially helpful for those who want to take initiative in their own lives and who are committed to doing the work required to get there.

How will Coaching help? 

Coaching results vary depending on what goals you have. If you want to work on your career or hope to make a career change but don't know how to go about doing that, a coach can help you design a strategy for developing your career or for accomplishing a career transition, including resume development, interview prep and ways of marketing yourself more effectively.

If you have personal goals, a coach can help you improve your relationships, resolve ongoing negative behaviors, make lifestyle changes that will positively impact your overall health, discuss steps you can take to improve your self esteem and help you pursue and develop healthy relationships that will enhance your life.

If you have business goals, a coach can help you evaluate your business from an objective standpoint, assist you in analyzing your organization's strengths and weaknesses, provide leadership development training, identify new target markets, improve sales force performance, design strategies for increasing profitability, and assist you in selling your business for a profit if this is something you choose to do.

What happens in a Coaching Session? 

Each session is tailored to the client and will vary based on individual needs. In the beginning, we will discuss what you are committed to accomplishing through our work together and we will begin to create a plan to achieve your goals. Periodically, I may give you assignments to help direct your progress. We will work together to acknowledge obstacles, explore alternate perspectives and celebrate successes. Periodically, we will revisit your goals and identify next steps which need to be taken in order to accomplish your desired results.

Do I really need a Coach, can't I just do it by myself? 

Coaching can take you above and beyond your own personal limitations. As a coach, I have decades of experience working with people from all walks of life, a track record of helping my clients achieve exceptional results and a sharp eye for identifying strengths and areas of challenge that keep my clients stuck and unable to develop themselves, their relationships, their careers and their businesses to their fullest potential. 

My Coaching Approach

While most coaches don't address psychological issues, because I have a background as a psychotherapist, if I identify what appears to be a recurring pattern or psychological roadblock - I may bring this to your attention. Together, we'll decide whether and how to address this.

Most coaching places little emphasis on the past. However, if there is something in your background or past experience that is is preventing you from moving forward, it's probably wise for us to pay attention to this.

What is your cancellation policy? 

I require a 24 hour notice to cancel all sessions. Please be sure to contact me if you will not be able to make your scheduled appointment in order to avoid being charged for the session. 

How long do people generally work with a Life Coach? 

To experience the effectiveness of a coaching program, I suggest clients make an initial three-month commitment. At the end of the three months, we will evaluate progress and discuss options for terminating or continuing our work.

Even if you decide to discontinue coaching, you're always welcome to come back to address additional goals. 

Is personal life coaching confidential? 

What we discuss will be held in confidence. However, our discussions are not privileged for legal purposes. The privilege of confidentiality that exists for the clergy, therapists and attorneys is not granted to coaching professionals. That said, life coaching is a confidential process, and your personal information will always be protected.

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11:00 am-8:00 pm


11:00 am-8:00 pm




11:00 am-8:00 pm


11:00 am-8:00 pm



