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Services Provided

Life Coaching:

This service is especially helpful for clients who want to create a fuller, richer life in terms of relationships with other people, pursuit of new hobbies or interests, and the expression of natural but unused talents.

Relationship Coaching is for Individuals who:

want to improve communication skills, become more assertive, develop strategies for dealing with anger or frustration, learn how to avoid toxic relationships, develop confidence in social situations, learn how to recover from a loss, break-up or divorce, be able to deal better with disappointment, find a caring romantic partner

Couples Coaching is for couples who want to:

develop greater emotional intimacy; learn new communication skills; overcome challenges within their relationship due to a breach of trust; successfully navigate a long distance relationship; move from just dating to a more committed relationship; take an inventory of the strengths and challenges in their relationship and deepen their understanding of one another, as they prepare for marriage; form a successful remarried family; plan a separation or accomplish an amicable divorce.

Career Coaching is for clients who want to:

identify short and long term career goals; plan and execute a strategy for career advancement; write a stand out resume which can assist them in their job search; develop and execute a plan of action for accomplishing career change; establish their own practice; start an entrepreneurial business; plan for retirement, including relocation.

Business Coaching:

This service assists family owned businesses with succession planning, including the identification of people both within and without the family for key roles in the organization as it moves into the next stage of development.

Small Business Coaching can assist owners of entrepreneurial businesses to develop leadership skills, improve managerial effectiveness, accomplish organizational growth; learn strategies for increasing profitability, develop an organizational culture that is driven by vision, values and best practices in terms of human capital; plan for and accomplish organizational change; develop strategies for raising sales force performance and increased productivity; identify blocks to decision making; sell their business for six figures.

Serving clients in the Chicago area 

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Eastern Time Zone


11:00 am-8:00 pm


11:00 am-8:00 pm




11:00 am-8:00 pm


11:00 am-8:00 pm



